Reunion 2024 Acknowledgements

The SVC Alumni are grateful to all attendees and to the following for their support of our Reunion 2024. Names are listed in no particular order.

Sponsors: Financial, and/or Professional Services

  • Terry Stychyshyn
  • Joe Coffey
  • Walter Kulyk
  • Chris Rawluk
  • Dennis Maksymetz
  • Marc Stychyshyn
  • Paul Hyshka
  • Wayne Kondra
  • Stephen Sumka
  • Gary Lukie
  • Walter Zulak
  • Bishop Peter Stasiuk

Supporters: Monetary Donations

  • Russ Maksymetz
  • Mark Maksymetz
  • Emil Boychuk
  • Glen Bzdel
  • Everette Skrypnyk
  • Ken Solomon
  • Chris Rawluk
  • John Starosta
  • Curtis Tchir
  • Karl Kolada
  • Wayne Kondra
  • Doug Kondra
  • Greg Gelleta
  • Cory Beitel
  • Bishop Michael Wiwchar

Thank-you for your contributions!

  • The Redemptorist Community for their attendance and granting permission to use St. Vladimir’s College name, Alumni, SVC concept to hold our Reunion.
  • Father John Sianchuk – Liturgy, Panakhyda & Moleben Books
  • Father Terry Cherwick – Chapel necessities, Challis, Hosts, Wine
  • Father Bohdan Lukie, Father Terry Cherwick on site Moleben and Liturgy
  • Father Ivan Hnativ and Holy Redeemer Parish – Hosting Sunday liturgy and donating wine glasses for the luncheon
  • Joe Coffey – Sunday Luncheon Sponsor
  • Walter Kulyk – Logo Creation & Design, Lapel Pin design and manufacture, Bookmark design and manufacture, Banners design and manufacture
  • Wayne Kondra & Team – Hotdogs, and snacks
  • Walter Zulak – Liturgy, and Singalong booklets
  • Chris Rawluk – Website creation and management
  • Jan Lukie & Donna Sumka – Check-in, Registration